SEO & Analytics


What are SEO and Analytics?

SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and Analytics are two important concepts in the field of digital marketing.

SEO is the process of optimising a website or web page to improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs). This is done by making the website or web pages more attractive to search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. The goal of SEO is to increase the quantity and quality of website traffic from search engines. This is typically achieved through a combination of technical optimisation, content optimisation, and link building.

Analytics is the process of collecting, analysing, and interpreting data to understand and optimise the performance of a website or a digital campaign. It involves using various tools and techniques to track and measure website traffic, user behaviour, and conversions. By analysing data, digital marketers can identify areas for improvement, optimise campaigns, and track progress towards goals.

SEO and analytics often go hand in hand as the data that is collected through analytics can be used to inform and improve SEO efforts. The analytics data can be used to understand what users are searching for, how they are interacting with the website and if they are achieving the desired outcomes. Using this data, SEO strategies can be adapted to improve the website’s visibility in search engine results pages, increase website traffic and ultimately increase conversions. Advanguart can support and guide clients in these areas to help them understand how to properly use analytics and SEO to improve their online presence and achieve their goals.

Why do we run SEO and Analytics workshops?

There are several reasons why organisations might run SEO and Analytics workshops. Some of the most common reasons include:

  1. Understanding the basics: SEO and Analytics can be complex and technical areas, so workshops can be an effective way for individuals or teams to learn the basics and understand how to apply these concepts to their own work.
  2. Keeping up-to-date with the latest trends: SEO and Analytics are constantly evolving, so workshops can help organisations stay up-to-date with the latest trends and best practices.
  3. Improving website performance: SEO and Analytics workshops can help organisations to understand how to improve the performance of their website and increase visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs).
  4. Identifying areas of improvement: By learning to use analytics tools and understanding the data they produce, workshop attendees can identify areas where their website needs improvement, and make data-driven decisions on how to optimise it.
  5. Improving ROI: Workshops can help organisations to understand how to track and measure the return on investment (ROI) for their digital marketing efforts, including SEO and Analytics, which will help them to justify their budget for these activities and improve the ROI.
  6. Building internal capability: SEO and Analytics workshops can help to build internal capacity within an organisation, by providing individuals and teams with the knowledge and skills they need to manage and optimise their digital marketing efforts.
  7. Collaboration and team building: SEO and Analytics workshops bring teams together to work on a common goal and can foster collaboration, and teamwork, and build cohesion among team members.
  8. Increase efficiency and productivity: SEO and Analytics workshops help organisations increase their efficiency and productivity by identifying areas where resources are being wasted or where processes can be streamlined.

Overall, SEO and Analytics workshops are important tools that allow organisations to improve the performance of their website, increase visibility in search engine results pages, and make data-driven decisions to achieve their goals. Advanguart will work closely with clients to provide them with the knowledge and skills they need to understand and effectively apply SEO and Analytics in their own work.

What are the benefits of SEO and Analytics workshops?

There are several benefits of running SEO and Analytics workshops, including:

  1. Improved website performance: Through workshops, organisations can learn how to optimise their website and improve its visibility and ranking in search engine results pages (SERPs), which can lead to increased website traffic and conversions.
  2. Better decision-making: SEO and Analytics workshops provide organisations with valuable data and insights that can inform business decisions and strategies.
  3. Increased understanding of performance: SEO and Analytics workshops help organisations to better understand their own performance, including progress against goals and objectives, and areas for improvement.
  4. Benchmarking performance: SEO and Analytics workshops allow organisations to benchmark their own performance against industry standards and best practices, which can help them to identify areas for improvement.
  5. Measuring success and progress: SEO and Analytics workshops help organisations to measure their success and progress against strategic goals and objectives by tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) related to their website and digital campaigns.
  6. Building internal capabilities: SEO and Analytics workshops can help to build internal capabilities within an organisation, by providing individuals and teams with the knowledge and skills they need to manage and optimise their digital marketing efforts.
  7. Collaboration and team building: SEO and Analytics workshops bring teams together to work on a common goal and can foster collaboration, and teamwork, and build cohesion among team members.
  8. Increase efficiency and productivity: SEO and Analytics workshops help organisations increase their efficiency and productivity by identifying areas where resources are being wasted or where processes can be streamlined.

Overall, SEO and Analytics workshops are valuable tools for organisations to understand their website and digital campaign performance, measure their success and progress and make informed decisions about business strategies and operations. Advanguart will work closely with clients to provide them with the knowledge and skills needed to understand and effectively apply SEO and Analytics in their own work to achieve their goals.

What deliverables will SEO and Analytics workshop produce?
The deliverables from an SEO and Analytics workshop will vary depending on the specific goals and objectives of the workshop, but some common deliverables that may be produced include:
  1. Research report: A comprehensive report detailing the findings of the data analysis, including key insights, recommendations, and actionable items for improving website performance and search engine visibility.
  2. Metrics and KPIs report: A report or a presentation that provides an overview of the website's performance based on key metrics and KPIs.
  3. Data visualisation: Visual representation of the data, showcasing the research findings and allowing for easy data exploration and analysis.
  4. Action plan: A detailed plan outlining the steps that the organisation will take to implement the recommendations and insights from the research, including optimisation strategies and tactics.
  5. Dashboard or scorecard: A summary of the research findings in an easy-to-understand format that can be used to track progress and measure performance over time.
  6. Training materials: Advanguart will provide training materials for team members to learn and apply the SEO and Analytics techniques used in the workshop.
  7. SEO technical audit report: A report that outlines the technical SEO areas that may be hindering the website's performance in search engines, including issues with website structure, navigations, URLs, HTML tags and redirects.
  8. Analytics tools setup and configuration: Setup and configuration of popular analytics tools like Google Analytics, Adobe Analytics, and others, that can help in tracking the website performance and user behaviour.

All of these deliverables are created to help the organisation understand the research insights, how to apply them, and communicate the findings to stakeholders. Advanguart works closely with clients to ensure that the research deliverables align with their specific needs and goals. Additionally, SEO and Analytics workshops provide valuable insights and feedback that can inform website optimisation, and digital marketing, and improve the overall online performance, ultimately helping the organisation to achieve its goals.