Current Issues


What are the Current Issues?

Current Issues in Design Thinking's Define stage refer to the specific problems or pain points that users are currently facing, and which the design team needs to address in order to create a better user experience. Current issues are identified through user research, including interviews, surveys, and observations.

Current issues can be both functional and emotional in nature. Functional issues refer to problems with the usability or functionality of a product or service, such as difficulty navigating a website or using a particular feature. Emotional issues refer to problems related to the user's emotions or feelings, such as frustration, anxiety, or confusion.

Identifying current issues is a critical step in the design thinking process because it helps the design team to understand the user's needs and pain points, and to develop solutions that address those issues. By addressing current issues, the design team can improve the user experience and create products and services that better meet the needs of their users.

Some common examples of current issues in experience design might include:

By identifying and addressing these and other current issues, designers can create more effective and engaging user experiences that meet the needs of their target audience.