Preferences & Entitlements

What are Preferences & Entitlements?

Preferences and entitlements are features of APIs that allow users to customise their experience and access specific features or content based on their permissions or roles.

Quotas, Limits & Offsets

What are Quotas, Limits & Offsets?

Quotas, limits, and offsets are common features of APIs that help manage the amount and type of data that can be requested and retrieved by users.


What are the Parameters?

In the context of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), parameters refer to the inputs that are passed to the API in order to retrieve or manipulate specific data or content.

Content & Data

What is Content & Data?

Content and data are critical components of data strategy APIs in experience design. Data strategy APIs refer to the systematic approach of creating and managing data and content for the purpose of improving user experiences across different digital platforms.

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